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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Instead of losing weight to fit the size of the existing presidency Dondonjohn HUGELY expands it to fit his massive body. For how long?

Instead of losing weight to fit the size of the existing presidency Dondonjohn HUGELY expands it to fit his massive body. For how long?

As he gets fatter so does his power? As he gains more weight so does the weight of his authority increase? He is already obese. Will he become gangantuan like Jabba the Hut?

Somewhere on some island allegedly the king is paid his weight in gold each year. And so being greedy the king eats and eats and eats and eats to get more gold.

Is that where the Dondonjohn got his increasing appetite for more?

Posted - April 23, 2019


  • 4625
    His resilience astounds me.
    I frequently see people with far less weight huff and puff over climbing a few stairs or walking a few hundred yards.
    Perhaps he suffers in ways invisible to us on the outside.
    Maybe health problems will end his presidency before the Dems manage to mount an effective attack.
      April 23, 2019 11:01 AM MDT

  • 46117
    He isn't even SICK.  Now we are predicting his END? 
      April 23, 2019 1:01 PM MDT

  • 113301
     Don't hold your breath bw. So far the Dems are WIMPING OUT! I have no idea why. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday!  :)
      April 23, 2019 1:15 PM MDT

  • 4625
    I think, despite their improved numbers, the Dems still don't have enough strength. They need to be careful and strategic. For instance, if they go for impeachment, they need to have enough evidence to be certain of success. Otherwise the process would backfire on them.
    Trump has been oily and weaselly for a very long time, hiding his tracks and using others as cover. It's possible that his numerous attempts to block the enquiries into Russiagate may prove to be sufficient grounds for impeachment. On the other hand, the fact that those he commanded to run the obstructions actually disobeyed him (hence protecting him) may make it harder to make the charges stick.
    I watch with interest.
    I can't see Trump surviving the next elections.
      April 23, 2019 6:13 PM MDT

  • 113301
    What more evidence do they need than what we have right now bw? I can't for the life of me understand what the he** the Dems think they are doing by waiting. More investigations going over the SAME TRACKS as Mueller did. There are currently 14 investigations ONGOING in different jurisdictions. All state I believe which means that Dondonjohn is powerless to do anything about them. We can wait until the cows home and still the Dems will be waiting for "more evidence"? Sheesh what wimps! All talk and no action? Prez candidate Senators Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris say impeachment proceedings should begin NOW! I agree.  SIGH. Methinks the Dems are empty suits. I hope I'm wrong. Thank you for your thoughtful analysis m'dear and Happy Wednesday! :)
      April 24, 2019 4:05 AM MDT

  • 46117
    He is not that fat yet.  I mean look at Christy.  That is really FAT.

    He is just normally out of shape    He is not in Clinton shape, or Obama shape or even Bush shape.  He is out of shape.  

    But, unfortunately, he is only Limbaugh out of shape and Alex Jones out of shape.  He is going to LIVE. UNFORTUNATELY.  
    FAT and too lazy to really do much about it.  Except cheat at golf over and over.  

    A fat, loser.  We know that already.  Maybe he could win the FATTEST HEAD award.  That is undisputable.  

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at April 23, 2019 1:16 PM MDT
      April 23, 2019 12:54 PM MDT

  • 113301
     Christy lost a lot of weight. So did Clinton to save his life.. Dondonjohn is OBESE and getting obeser by the day. He is a massive heart attack waiting in the wings to strike. Thank you for your reply.
      April 23, 2019 1:18 PM MDT